Hi! I am a Mechatronics and Robotics Engineering student at Queen's University. I have interests in automation, machine learning, control systems and robotics. In this portfolio, you will be able to learn a little about me, see some of my previous projects and can connect with me. Please feel free to reach out if you have any further questions!

Connect with me


Project Manager

As a Project Manager, I led a team of 4 members in building a custom chatbot for the CUCAI conference. My responsibilities included developing statements of work, creating a project timeline, and preparing contingency plans. Effective communication and teamwork were crucial as I coordinated tasks among team members, leveraging their individual strengths. Additionally, I completed an Introduction to Machine Learning Fundamentals course and actively contributed to data curation, parsing, and model creation using Python.

June 2023 - April 2024

Design Team Member

As an Innovation Design Team Member, I utilized SKLearn to tokenize files, build, train, and implement Naive Bayes and Transformer models. Additionally, I developed Python programs to parse a dataset of over 250,000 code files, which were crucial for model training. My debugging skills were put to the test as I addressed issues related to data fitting, model performance, and supervised training. Throughout this role, I leveraged strategies such as modular functions, collaborative efforts, and thorough documentation reading to ensure project success.

Sept 2022 - Apr 2023

Photographer/Graphic Designer/Web Developer


Created digital marketing material, websites, headshots for staff, social media accounts and followings for various companies. Worked with many industries from industrial construction to a handmade soap company to album covers for musicians. Between my collective clients, I was able to increase web traffic by more than 10% on average. Examples of my work are available upon request.

March 2020 - August 2022

Office Administrator & Customer Service

As part of my role, I processed insurance details and payments, maintained daily bookkeeping records, and efficiently scheduled patients. Additionally, I contributed to office workflow improvements through computer automation and the development of new organizational systems.

September 2019 - July 2020


Queen's University

Bachelor of Applied Science and Engineering
Mechatronics and Robotics Engineering

GPA: 3.650/4.30


  • Queen's University Excellence Scholarship
  • 1st & 2nd Year - Dean's Scholar Award
September 2021 - May 2025


6-DOF Robotic Manipulator

I am currently developing a library for my six-degree-of-freedom robotic manipulator, which controls the robot, calculates its forward, inverse, and differential kinematics, the dynamics of the system, and handles trajectory planning. In the future, I would like to incorporate ROS and upgrade the hardware to include force sensors to allow impedence control.


This program uses NeuroEvolution of Augmenting Topologies (NEAT), a genetic algorithm which has a neural network play pong and uses renforcement learning to train it how to get better at the game. Upon testing, the program was able to best its human counterpart 98.2% of the time from a sample size of over 100 games. This program is based on the work of Kenneth O. Stanley and this library made using his research.

Template Maker


In the summer of 2022, I was a teacher of grade 11 physics. When teaching this class, my students wanted worksheets faster than I could make them. I decided to automate that process using Python. I created a scipt which can take a word problem and generate variations of the problem which alter the numbers in the question. It then compiles all the answers into a key and prints it on the back of the document. This project leveraged LaTeX to compile the documents and saved me countless hours of copying and pasting the same question and recalculating the new answers by hand.

Want to see more projects?

Check out my GitHub!


Programming Languages & Tools
  • C
  • matlab
  • arduino
Other Skills
  • Low Level C and Assembly
  • Smart Home Automation and Linux Servers
  • Soldering, Oscilliscope, CNC
  • CAD and 3D Printing
  • Graphic Deisgn
  • Handy Work and Power Tools


When not working, I enjoy hiking, photography, listening to music and seeing my friends. I want to travel the world with my camera and explore what life is like in different parts of the world. I am currently working on a collection of my travel photos that I can use as a time capsule of all my travels. I am always down for a good cup of tea and to watch a comedy.

Awards & Certifications

  • Queen's University Excellence Scholarship
  • Dean's Scholar Award (1st & 2nd Year Engineering)
  • DECA International Competitor
  • Smart Serve Certified
  • Commando Krav Maga Level 1
  • CPR Certified


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